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Thursday 27 September 2007

forget to touch on certain issues. LOL

Seriously, there is like nothing wrong with me. Friends have been asking "is there something wrong...would you like to share wit me yr problem" ... it really cracks me up after thinking abt it when i seriously dont have some major problems like I have 6 months to live..ooppps! :X nah... InsyaAllah i still have a long to go ya. (: I do get angry when they like being nice to me and one by one bombarding with some weird and senseless qns. Wat am i suppose to ans when I dont have some big problems like how they make it sound to be. I didnt know my post would have some impact on their lives too! HAHA. So this post to you ppl who truly care abt me. LAUGH MY HEAD(S) OFF. When im feeling upset, the best way is to leave me alone. Don't keep on asking me qns wanting to know wat had gone wrong. When im angry, i see my friends as foes. Am i great or wat?!! haha. The more you ask the angrier I get. I would like tell when i had cooled down and tat doest take weeks or months unless some major issue like i hav 6 more months to live??

things got awry on Sunday 23rd Sep when i was just abt to get started having fun. I lost my beloved wallet. ( i didnt state wat i lost on the few previous post bcuz i was like embarrased by it for some reason. heex)
I get upset abt losing my wallet at Geylang and was so fed-up with myself tat i throw some attitude to innocent ppl. Watever it is..i didnt know how my behavior and blog entry would really change the atmosphere you ppl would create ard me. But hey hey hey! To tat kind soul...who returned the wallet...SARANGHAE! Even if u bad or good agenda...na....SARANGHAE. But before i found my wallet, The posting for TP was unsuccessful. LOLX. Well..wen ppl are down, they tend to get depressed more..WELL..tat goes for me.I thought to myself..." wallet gone...money gone... education gone...wat would hav left for me then....marriage?!" HAHA. Im so much better when i receive a call from POSB ppl whoever they are. N RAJA the policeman was so nice too!!! Mom accompanied me to claim the lost which i thought stolen :X Paiseh paiseh.

Now i know the power of blogging!! Blog fighting!!

Ohya... to all of you who have been or going to geylang.
Pls take care of your belongings. The places get crowded
wit all sorts of ppl. Place your bag infront of you and not at the back. Keep
bags etc zip at all times. Dont allow thieves to even have opportunity to

unlocked @ 9/27/2007

ok. TP enrolment totally fail. HO HO HO! I was like upset that i didnt get in 'cause i thought that im not qualified but the truth is the documents wasnt received. HO HO HO. I must have like lost the stamp or wat. Oh crap.. after all that had happen.. I seriously don't give a damn about the courses. I mean the courses are ok but not really the course i want to get into.

So another 3 months awaits me. I feel like slipping in through a fresh new skool uni. Well, my life is not complicated but i made it to be. It's like I can have a shorter way for life but the decisions ive made is just too "overwhelming".

Been like bar hopping, blog reading.. and im really amazed on how ones life can be so dramatic. Its like one posting can be a whole new drama. Im like so WOW by it. Images came to my mind as i read it but nothing beats my korean drama. Blueck! The most intersting part about reading ppl's blog is reading their tagboard. Some people really get like hollywood treatment on their tagboard. All the nice thing...lala~ like ure looking fine...her gorgeous... u look pretty...ugly...stupid...idiot this kind of things. And the following tags will follow suit. If i were to be mean to copy-paste wats on ppl's tag then you would understand wat i mean.

Chatted late night with boyfriend prem and girlfriend julizan. How i miss chatting with both of them. Especially CHATTING WIT MY BELOVER PREMKUMAR. Big Hug Prem!! Who would have thought my darling jul and prem fall in love happily ever after. Im waiting for good news ok. Get married and have plenty of kids..

Julizan said tat if her presentation didnt go to well..maybe she would quit her skool? something like that lah. And would go to skool wit me next year. Haix julizan! U shdnt hav keep my hopes up high. Now im depended on you for some selfish reason. Anyway..best of luck to you in your presentation. No matter how much i wan us to be together next year, i dont wan all your hardwork be gone down the drain. Gosh...i sound like total gayness! Yucks!! Guess Im not tat mushy after all unlike some sickening bastard who talks craps and tales day and night about they oh-so-wonderful-gf. Nope...not jealous but disgusted by the words and acts. I just wanna see how long both of you last. Not cursing that u two end your relationship but pls.. one look at you two, i throw up my food. Astagfirullahzim Amirah! Kau kan puase. Tak baik cakap mcm gini. Sheeesh. Hanya Allah je tahu brape pahit nye hati aku ini apabila die mengata kate2 yang tak patut aku dengar. Ok.... im just talking shit from the part abt some sickening bastard. There is no such person,I REPEAT, no such person. This is just part of story blogging session. So pls pls pls, I REPEAT, pls don't believe half of this paragraphy from 7 line to the 10th.

So this is wat it's like to have a long entry. Wonder if ppl would stay ard to read it. Cuz i would 'cause my blog is "oh-so-interesting!" Anyway..i tried to keep my blog as low profile but i can't possible do that and im not tat IT savy like some of the aliens. Internet is so great that I hope it would not be as great. Well.. I always care about how ppl think abt me and after several setbaacks, im already having that oh-watever-attitude. And...pssst...im loving it.

Oh Big Bang new mini album Albums is all im listening right now. Gosh! mum has been like throwing up in the morning..dont tell me she's going to have another one... i guess not. Haha. cuz she's..ok...i'll stop here.

unlocked @ 9/27/2007

Tuesday 25 September 2007

this is my 101 post ^^ cool huh?! 101 dalmation. ok watever.

some pix taken on..... 23 sep 07, Sunday?? yea..shd be. Hmm... i ate alot. i had huge appetite as usual. so many ppl also. First time went out with a huge number of ppl. after dinner, when out to bazaar.

unlocked @ 9/25/2007

I think it is blessing in disguise. Well, I have to wait for next year to go school. At the mean time, let me slack till Hari Raya^^ Then im going to find a proper job. This time, it gonna be a real job. LOL.

Few more mins and i will able to break my fast. Gonna help omma really soon


ok. there is nothing much but feel free to visit my website. hehex. Sunshine BORA! cool. reminds me of BoA...ok NOT! And there is a problem with friendster link...i tink. HAHA!! ok.done here for today. all those links are just nonsense. so feel free to see nonsense

unlocked @ 9/25/2007

Monday 24 September 2007

i thought today will be a better day for me but sadly, no.
application for DAE, unsucessful. Maybe this is just the begining. ROOOOAAARR!!

I already had enough and still u rub salt on my wounds.
Maybe u think ure being nice and concern by telling me all that but your words hurt badly.
I swear i could kill you at that point of time.

The policeman just sux. Hate it the way he talks to me.
Damn i wish i could kill him too.

unlocked @ 9/24/2007

i wonder.. watever happens to me maybe retribution
this pain right now...is so hard to bear.
wen u lost something, you will never know when you gonna retrieve it.
Something so precious to me among all other things tat ive treasured but yet it lost the moment i turn my back against it.
few tear drops make it all better.
the ppl make my life there so much better too.
i tink without them, i would more lost and lost-er.
thanks everyone. Ajkh. u guys have been a great support.
Thanks to Shahidah lots and lots. without her, i think i would be sleeping over at Hotel 81. :'( lol

i should have known better. Seriously...it's been like 2-3 since ive been there. During this peak period, there are bound to have "itchy-hands". Damn you ppl! But i cant totally blame them. I could be the reason of it. I shd have kept it somewhere safer. Argggh!! How i wish i could turn back time. I wish to turn the time back. I wanna go to a time machine.

Now im feeling so much better. After telling Ibu about it, im so much livelier. Tho it may be a pain for Ibu but i promise this will be the last. Hopefully, Abang will lessen Ibu burden ^^ kk. Since he is posted to police Academy, hopefully he will be a big big help and $$$$. hehex

when this happen, i seriously feel my live is going down the drain. I see myself in darkness with no one to hold or lean on. I start blaming myself. After knowing that my DAE application is still under consideration, i swear i wanna give up on life. Oh well... who knows...maybe next year will be all sunshine and happy.

I realise that im not doing something that would make both my parents proud of. I seriously wanna change for the better. But everytime when i tried, something keeps pulling me back. I need some slack seriously. I just want to cry out loud and not few drops of tears. I hope after a good cry, i would feel so much better and wont blame myself for things that doesnt go my way.

unlocked @ 9/24/2007

Sunday 23 September 2007

how am i suppose to carry on.
i find myself singing the same old song.

ohh... some things just gotta go out of the door.
no use holding on to it. maybe i shd burn it. hmm...
there is still like 5 more days. and i cant wait any longer.

i had the sweetest dream ever this year.
i dream abt se7en (:
we get married and live happily ever after~
Ok..i didnt even dream last night. no dream no se7en :(
Listening to se7en's songs right now so thought of blogging abt him just came to my mind.

cant wait to get my hands on big bang new album 'always'. ^^

unlocked @ 9/23/2007

my life is like almost ruin and
i dont know how to explain it.
i just got to keep my head up high and smile (:
life is beautiful. there's gotta be more to life. tho i keep telling myself that, things doesnt fall into places like i want it to be. It is such a troble that i dont think i can take it anymore.

unlocked @ 9/23/2007

Sunday 16 September 2007

I wanna work again. LOL. Any jobs like GCA available? Sorry didn't go for the movie outing :(
Had other surprising plan that night. Arggh! Whatever it is, will miss u guys.

unlocked @ 9/16/2007

my head is about to EXPLODE!

im taking a long time to learn that song. My voice hurts alot lately. Ohh.. the rap part is so difficult.

i turn to hip hop dancing weeks ago. Due to fasting,i counting down on dance practices but will resume to intensive training after Hari Raya. Talking abt Hari Raya, im saving money to buy Hanbok*korean dress (: I set my mind to buy one and wear it on the first day two months before the fasting month. HOHOHO! How excited i am thinking of wearing one. But ppl ard me say that it gonna look weird wearing Hanbok with a head scarf. lol. But what do i care.

The one Eun Hye wore for Princess Hours is too fancy. Haha. I will settle myself for a simpler but nice one. But not too simple. I so cant wait. wee~

Ohh ya... sore eyes on the rise. Scary!! LOL.

unlocked @ 9/16/2007

Saturday 15 September 2007

Once in a lifetime, means there's no second chance

you are the music in me


im sick :)
since im sick, i wont eat alot i used to.
so, it means im going to lose weight. Yippie Yay

unlocked @ 9/15/2007

Friday 14 September 2007

ok. i change new blogskin and i totally forget abt the links. I happily-ever-after delete the previous thinking the new blog is all ready BUT WaLaH! gone. so sorry tat i forget yr blog url especially those who hav long url like alfan. The saddest thing was tat i clean my history folder everyday. Wee~

Yesterday was the first day of fasting month. We had Mee Soto. (:
All of us watch spider-man 3 on dvd before breaking fast. And now i got nothing else to blog (: actually i forget a whole chunk of stuff that i wanted to blog abt (:
mental BLOG?! hohoho! so done here. lalalala~

unlocked @ 9/14/2007

Wednesday 12 September 2007

My blog currently is a disaster.

The job at GCA ended few days ago. I had fun with the ppl there. Tho there's no time to slack i still had fun. HAHA! I got the creator of garnarok signature with my name on it^^ How cool is tat!! Im not a big fan of him at first, after looking at him draw live...it was just nice. I wanna say SARANGHAE to him but then shy ah. LOLx. So sad he don't understand english. I keep saying A and tat stupid translator thinks it's E. I keep my cool and show how sweet i am. Hehex.

Tmr start of fasting month. Hoo~ Im so excited like hell. Can't wait to see how my lil' cousins would react on the first day. HAHA!!

Anyway... LOVEya(: haha

unlocked @ 9/12/2007

Saturday 8 September 2007

watching My Girl again on tv. The reason im watching it again bcuz of the story and the actors.

"I'd rather forget this love. I dont want to be hurt again"...translation of my fav korean song from My Girl OST. This song(forget the title) played during the part when Lee JunKi was running. So sexy!! ARGGGGHHH!! He change his image now but still as HOT as ever. But YunHo will forever be my first Love (: Saranghae.

Weekend is here. Tmr will be damn tiring. 200 per hour. Siao! Tmr another IC will take over. Haix!!!! Wendy and tat girl so nice!! Why they not working tmr!!! Arggggggh!!! Haha. ok NITE NITE EVERYONE!

Love you guys! LOL.

unlocked @ 9/08/2007

Thursday 6 September 2007

the first thing i said to my brother when he went in my room was..

mean? i don't think so. I feel like closing my eyes any moment now but today is the last episode of lovers in Prague. Somehow...it is like Lovers in Paris but it is not. The plot is totally different and i can't find any similarities between the two
except for the title. Wanted to watch Lovers but I can't seem to find any of the episodes.

Currently been watching this Unstoppable HighKick. It is korean drama comedy and kinda cool and goofy. I so love it like i love my oreocheeseCAKE! Yummy!! Talking abt cheesecake, i tried eating Pineapple cheese at LongJohnSilver and it taste super duper weird. Maybe im just not used to the taste of sour soury food. I end up eating only the crumps cuz some ppl said that the pineapple cheese got "somebody" armpit hair. No appetite after that but i still continue eating. Should just bought the chocolate cream. Arrgggh! So regret not buying it. Well..lesson learnt, I wont go LJS to have my dessert.

Tmr will be my day two working at GCA. Am i going to roll posters again tmr? I bet im going to do it. HAHA. I don't want to be the one give stamp to ppl cuz some ppl are just too troblesome. I had enough of those ppl in WCG. HA! And tmr will have more things to do. More things to give! more things to pack. Ppl there are nice. maybe bcuz i know most of them from WCG. Ok.. life gets kinda boring so far for me.
Wanna watch that RAT MOVIE. Anyone care to accompany me???? Haha. YunHo not free so if ure free pls call me.Muackkx to YunHo!

OH YA! And i tink the audition live dance at GCA is very cooolll!!! HAHA. I also wanna practice dance watching audition. LOL.


unlocked @ 9/06/2007

Hello everyone! Yo! Wassup! ok...im so not cool.

Hari Raya Puasa coming next week. Wee~ Can't wait. I shall fast like i never did before.

Ok.. nothing else to say. so bye!

unlocked @ 9/06/2007

about me

bora mizuki
17 years old
chocolate lover


new BAG


julizan // wei jie // syarina // shawn // james // mya // shahidah // fathul // nazif // dina // alfan // sholleh // helena // raynell // hilman //

past memories

April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007

special thanks

designed by daphne.
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